The SSAFA Adoption Service is now closed.
We have now closed our Adoption Service, and as part of this process we have transferred our records relating to those who adopted through SSAFA to The London Archives (TLA). We will be completing the transfer of all of records by the 10th of January 2025. If you adopted through SSAFA and wish to access your records you should email TLA at
TLA are not an adoption agency and will not be able to undertake intermediary or provide tracing services to adopted people and birth families.
If you are an adopted person and believe that SSAFA played a role in your adoption, limited records about you and your birth family may be held at TLA, but the best place to access information is through the local authority who cared for you as a child in the care system. If you know your birth name, you can get a copy of your birth certificate from the General Register Office. This will contain the name of your birth mother and possibly your birth father.
You can add yourself the Adoption Contact Register. If your birth parents have also done this, the service will then let them know that you’re trying to contact them. No information is passed without the knowledge of each party. It costs £15 to add your details to the register. Your local Regional Adoption Agency will also support you in terms of advice and support in searching for family members and records. You can also access information at